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ウクライナ軍春の大反撃開始!レオパルド2破壊確認 [633746646]

385 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2023/06/10(土) 20:26:38.80 ID:CmYWZnyV0.net

Recently a Russian commander elaborated on the Russian tactics. The goal of the first line of defense is to exhaust Ukrainian attackers and, if the attack it too intense, retreat to the second line. Once Ukrainian attackers exhaust their offensive capabilities, Russians deploy their reserves, counterattack the exhausted Ukrainians and recapture all the positions. It seems like, so far, the second part of the plan did not really work.

One of the reasons why it doesn’t work is that after the attack, Ukrainians use Remote Anti-Armor Mine systems or RAAM to distantly mine the roads that are used by Russian reserves. RAAM is a specialist artillery shell that scatters anti-armor mines up 17 km away from the firing unit. Today Russian sources reported that Ukrainians managed to mine all the main Russian roads between Robotyne and Verbove, which is exactly where Ukrainians are trying to advance.

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