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国連人権事務局の偉い人、国連が虐殺に加担しているのに何も出来ないので辞任 [452836546]

1 :安倍晋三 :2023/11/03(金) 03:14:19.74 ID:BUg9JD160.net ?PLT(15072)
Liars, thats the typical execuse when Israelis realize they cant fight except from a jet fighter

A top official from the United Nations in New York has said the organisation has failed to stop what he claimed was a “textbook case of genocide” unfolding in Gaza, in a damning parting shot as he stepped down from his role.

“I write at a moment of great anguish for the world, including for many of our colleagues,” said Craig Mokhiber from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in his resignation letter dated 28 October.

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