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ポンペオ「ユダヤの正統な祖国イスラエルの「入植」を違法扱いするバイデンは平和に反する。和平を拒むのはイスラエルではなくハマス」 [377482965]

1 :🍜🍚 :2024/02/25(日) 12:45:23.48 ID:EpC8qn630.net ?2BP(2223)
Judea and Samaria are rightful parts of the Jewish homeland, and Israelis have a right to live there.

President Biden's decision to overturn our policy and call Israeli 'settlements' illegal will not further the cause of peace. It rewards Hamas for its brutal attacks on October 7th and punishes Israel instead. These Israeli communities are not standing in the way of peace; militant Palestinian terrorism is.

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