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【悲報】カードゲーマーさん、体臭がキツすぎて大会中止wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww [426633456]

299 :fb5d-fGCo (ワッチョイW fb07-fGCo):2024/03/23(土) 03:11:14.18 ID:wwesDXpw0.net
It’s honestly not just Yugioh players, it’s nerds in general.

Ever go to a chess tournament in school? Stinky unwashed fuckers.

Ever go to a board game store? Stinky unwashed fuckers.

Ever go to a convention? Stinky unwashed fuckers.

There’s a reason game stores and anime conventions have to have signs forcing a “don’t smell like shit” policy, but pretty much no other business does.

Isn’t it literally an official rule in yugioh tournaments that you cannot have an offensive odor? There’s a reason nerd hobbies have these rules and fucking baseball or whatever doesn’t.


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