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【速報】ロシアで銃乱射テロ発生、40人超が死亡か [744361492]

936 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ 1356-g0kC):2024/03/23(土) 07:45:21.21 ID:hy6KELMW0.net
"The terrorist attack in Moscow was a planned and deliberate provocation by the Russian special services at the behest of Putin," the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) said in a Friday post to X, formerly Twitter. "Its purpose is to justify even harder strikes on Ukraine and total mobilization on Russia."
「モスクワでのテロ攻撃は、プーチン大統領の命令によるロシア特別機関による計画的かつ意図的な挑発だった」とウクライナ国防情報局(DIU)は金曜の への投稿 X(旧 Twitter) で述べた。 「その目的は、ウクライナに対するさらに強力な攻撃とロシアに対する総動員を正当化することだ。」

"This is a conscious provocation of Putin's special services the international community warned us about. The Kremlin tyrant started his career with this and wants to end it in the same way: committing crimes against his citizens," Andrii Yusov, representative of DIU, told Ukrainian online newspaper Ukrainska Pravda.

ISIS Claims Attack on Moscow Concert Hall After Ukraine Blames Putin
Published Mar 22, 2024 at 6:36 PM EDT newsweek


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