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【嫌儲Steam部】7DtDが値上げ前最終安売り。持っていない奴は急げ。それと7DtDを7Daysとか7大豆と呼ぶアレは氏んだ方がいいぞ [807233202]

1 :7777-7777:2024/04/23(火) 21:27:51.96 ID:iY7CDYZz0.net ?2BP(2000)

Last Chance Sale

If you haven't heard, 7 Days to Die will be leaving Early Access in June,
and the price of the game will increase to $44.99.

In good faith to people who want to catch the game on sale
before this price increase, we're offering a weeklong deal for 76% off.
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