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【悲報】ケンモメン、「哲学」が何かを全く知らなかった…その結果「哲学を学ぶには◯◯を読め」などと意味不明なことを言ってるもよう [976717553]

177 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です 警備員[Lv.28(前4)][苗] (ワッチョイW 5f64-/G2d):2024/04/30(火) 05:05:26.35 ID:9ryPxR1/0.net
インフレーションの提案者Alan Guthのお言葉



Q: Can you explain the theory of cosmic inflation that you first put forth in 1980?

A: I usually describe inflation as a theory of the “bang” of the Big Bang: It describes the propulsion mechanism that drove the universe into the period of tremendous expansion that we call the Big Bang. In its original form, the Big Bang theory never was a theory of the bang. It said nothing about what banged, why it banged, or what happened before it banged.

The original Big Bang theory was really a theory of the aftermath of the bang. The universe was already hot and dense, and already expanding at a fantastic rate. The theory described how the universe was cooled by the expansion, and how the expansion was slowed by the attractive force of gravity.

Inflation proposes that the expansion of the universe was driven by a repulsive form of gravity. According to Newton, gravity is a purely attractive force, but this changed with Einstein and the discovery of general relativity. General relativity describes gravity as a distortion of spacetime, and allows for the possibility of repulsive gravity.

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