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イギリスの寿司屋でバイトする中国人、韓国人オーナーに「日本人の名前で日本人のふりしろ」と命令される [707978541]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です:2024/05/11(土) 22:31:24.87 ID:uYoafb/u0.net ?2BP(2000)
Pretending to be Japanese?
So I've worked part time in a sushi restaurant for several months.
When I started they gave me a Japanese name and told me to tell customers I'm Japanese if they ask even though I'm Chinese.
Is this common? I feel bad about it but haven't been called out yet.
This is in the UK and the owners are Korean but one of the chefs is Japanese.

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