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□■2021 F1GP総合 LAP2592 □■ハンガリー□■

581 :音速の名無しさん :2021/07/23(金) 18:52:40.40 ID:fbB1XOPh0.net
Hamilton is chasing Verstappen for the lead on Lap1 and closing in at 15km/h down the back straight
>ハミルトンはラップ1でフェルスタッペンを追いかけ、15km / hでバックストレートを下る

verstappen moves over to defend the inside line, but leaves 3.4 meter for the 2 meter wide F1 car of Lewis

At the entry of Turn 9,they are side-by-sied and closer to the middle of the track in comparison with a normal lap

Considering this and being on heavy fuel, both drivers take too much speed into the corner to try and stay ahead

Hamilton tries to back out, but it is too late to avoid contact

At the moment of contact, Lewis is close to the normal
racing line, but his car is turned less towards the apex

Max left space only for a car taking the ideal line

The wheel-to-wheel contact rips the left-rear tyre of its rim

A Tecpro barrier was addded to this corne,
but Verstappen missed it by 6 meters

総レス数 1001
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