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「Destiny」がビデオゲーム史上最も多い予約数を達成 出荷は800万本以上 課金もデマだと判明 [495767835]

1 :Lo'r"e'm i"p's'u'm A"d's"e'ns'e et c'l'ic'k:2014/09/09(火) 22:47:02.17 ID:fXDCGVjv0.net ?2BP(3222)

Destiny most pre-ordered new IP in history, Activision says

Servers have gone live for what Activision is calling the most-pre-ordered new video game franchise in history.

Destiny officially went up for sale at 12:01 am Tuesday in New Zealand, meaning servers are now live for the online shooter's retail release.
The game is still available for both digital and retail pre-order elsewhere in the world.


378 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です:2014/09/11(木) 17:37:18.26 ID:hEXfa1u+0.net

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