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【正論】オリラジ中田さん、大麻が安全だとYouTubeでわかりやすく解説 [875850925]

279 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2019/10/18(金) 15:40:15.32 ID:yXqYKpMi0.net
Frequent use of THC over a long time increases the risk of cannabis dependence, also called:
cannabis use disorder
problematic cannabis use
It is also associated with an increased risk of developing or worsening disorders related to anxiety and depression.Footnote4Footnote5Footnote6
Using products with higher levels of THC (20% THC [200 mg/g] or more) such as resin, hash oil, wax and distillates further increases the risk of mental health problems over time.


作用が強い大麻と精神疾患発症リスクに強い関連性 研究

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