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【速報】機械翻訳のDeepL、マジで人間を超える [723599665]

18 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワンミングク MMd3-k4fS):2020/03/22(日) 08:18:21 ID:T03zn55WM.net
When I said that I repeatedly refused, I was referring to the Shinzo Abe Elementary School.
And as for the cover-up, well, that's rude!

And you guys are going to label it that way very soon.
As if I had anything to do with this issue, they have been doing this for a long time, as if I had something to do with it.............................................................

That may be the only way, but the cover-up, you know, the cover-up, the cover-up, the cover-up... then I covered it up?

I am the one, I am the one, I am the one,
I am the one, I am the one, I am the one,
I am the one, I am the one, I am the one,
I am the one, I am the one, I am the one,
I am the one, I am the one, I am the one,
I am the one, I am the one, I am the one,
I am the one, I am the one, I am the one,
I am the one.
That kind of image manipulation, you know, it's got to stop.
That's why you can't earn the public's trust.

I want to say this clearly, I want to say this clearly, okay, so, you know, I'm sorry, can you stop making assumptions? It's a very important thing.
When you're having such an important discussion, you should have an accurate discussion.
In that regard, the way you say that the other party covered up the page of my wife's website, the honorary principal, is to cancel it, and first of all, cancel it.
Before you ask me a question, please take it back then.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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