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本日大阪で行われる #BlackLivesMatter デモに対しあほ白人が粉砕予告 [358195575]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ bec7-vdL+):2020/06/07(日) 12:52:24 ?PLT ID:Xie2Pppt0●.net

We have some stupid BLM crap here in Osaka Sunday. I will be there to tell them to go fuck themselves.
We really don't need this disease in Japan. There is no point in marching for BLM in Osaka.
Japan has nothing to do with US police abuse. If I see any idiot attempting to loot a store I'm going HAM.
This is all white people right?In chimpanzeses"Dis be all wyte pepo Amma riiiiight shiiiiiit."

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