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【悲報】 漫画村後継サイト「星野ロミ」 出版社サイドが被告人特定できず告訴取下げか [455830913]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2020/06/09(火) 03:00:44.21 ID:6ul1zsFc0.net ?2BP(2000)
4 Japanese Publishers Dismiss Lawsuit Against 'Mangamura Successor' Sites

Judge Lewis J. Liman of the New York Southern District Court dismissed Shueisha, Kodansha, Kadokawa, and Shogakukan's joint lawsuit against the unnamed
administrators of website Hoshi no Romi and three other United States-hosted websites on May 11.

The four Japanese publishers had filed a notice of voluntary dismissal on May 8. The publishers' notice added, "Plaintiffs continue to pursue civil and criminal means of
enforcing their rights, and may re-file this litigation should defendants' infringing activities recommence or if it is otherwise necessary."


10 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2020/06/09(火) 11:51:33.50 ID:qFrRlLIl0.net

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