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【悲報】クウェート、ユーロファイター・タイフーンとかいう産廃を1機350億円で買わされる [158879285]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (スププ Sd43-tOAx):2020/07/13(月) 18:47:18 ?PLT ID:3/DhKkshd●.net
Kuwaiti parliamentary committee is investigating a large-scale misappropriation of state funds under a major contract to acquire Eurofighter fourth generation medium weight combat aircraft for the country’ air force.
This follows the signing of a contract in 2015 valued at 8 billion euros (over $9 billion) to acquire a single squadron’s worth of the jets. With Kuwait ordering just 28 jets, this placed their cost at an exorbitant $321 million each
- the most costly fighters marketed for export in the world.
Kuwait has initiated criminal investigations due to suspicious of corruption.


24 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ 0388-yaVe):2020/07/14(火) 02:48:54 ID:Ro5CIrhr0.net


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