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中国「対ロシア包囲網に協力しろ?だったらアメリカはまず中国への敵視政策を撤回するのが先だろ!アホかよ」😂 [198098386]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2022/03/15(火) 12:24:04.59 ID:x/C89vyyM.net ?2BP(1000)

These actions from the US also show that Washington is quite anxious about the Ukraine issue. It wants China to dance to its tune. What the US hopes for is to weave a global web to strangle Russia, making all countries part of this web without any "loophole." The US is the instigator of the Ukraine crisis; yet, it wants to exploit the whole world to expand its own strategic interests. This makes people wonder: Where does the US get its confidence from? Has it been dominating the world for so long that it thinks it even controls the lever of the Earth's rotation? If Washington wants to forcibly tie China-US relations to the Russia-Ukraine crisis, it is on the wrong track and will definitely be disappointed.
The Russia-Ukraine crisis is worthy of talks, but not in this way. A Chinese saying goes, "Let he who tied the bell on the tiger's neck take it off." The problem that was created by the US cannot and should not be solved by China. Besides, China and the US should handle their relations well before they can better coordinate stances as the third parties. In other words, Washington should make practical moves to make China feel the US is a reliable major power.
Last year, US leaders and senior officials have stated that the US has no intention to seek a new Cold War or change China's system, that the revitalization of US alliances is not anti-China, that the US does not support "Taiwan independence", and that it is not looking for conflict or confrontation with China. But all these are still no more than empty words. The US Congress recently passed an act that is politically manipulating the map of the island of Taiwan, creating "two Chinas" and "one China, one Taiwan." This was not only a blatant provocation of China's territorial integrity but also another proof that Washington betrays its promises. There are many other examples. In this circumstance, why does the US think that China should "help" it out?
On the Ukraine issue, China has been independently making judgement in the spirit of objectivity and fairness and based on the merits of the matter itself. It has been playing a constructive role in facilitating peace talks. China has repeatedly called international community to jointly support Russia-Ukraine peace talks, achieve substantive results as soon as possible, and promote de-escalation of the situation. Such a responsible attitude will not budge, even slightly, under US pressure. During the meeting on Monday, Yang also stressed that the Chinese side firmly opposes the words and deeds that spread disinformation and distort China's stance.

321 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2022/03/16(水) 22:10:32.46 ID:44lxAFrMM.net

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