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ルカシェンコ「ウクライナは反転攻勢で45,000人戦死者を出した。前線のキルレシオは8:1」ウクライナ人記者「…」 [633746646]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ 3e44-HsUP):2023/08/18(金) 10:58:07.58 ID:61lHSwYt0●.net ?2BP(2000)

LUKASHENKO to Ukrainian reporter: "Your counteroffensive cost 45,000 people in dead and maimed. 45,000!.. Your losses are 1 to 8 at the frontline. And [Russia has] 250,000 people in reserve with cutting-edge hardware. You will be crushed... and the Poles rub their hands in glee. Pushed by the Americans, they will cut off the western regions... You have to take your head into your hands and act on the basis of reality. Act in the interests of this huge and beautiful territory."

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