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ウクライナでレオパルド2破壊祭り開催 [633746646]

1 :あべべべべ :2023/11/01(水) 20:02:02.17 ID:5TIv0sou0●.net ?2BP(2000)
Another Leopard 2 Down! Russia Is Destroying Ukraine’s Best Tanks At An Accelerating Rate.

The Ukrainian army is down one more Leopard 2 tank after a Russian missile ambush knocked out a Strv 122—a Swedish variant of the Leopard 2A5—during an attack by the Ukrainian army’s 21st Mechanized Brigade on Russian positions in Orlyanske, in eastern Ukraine, on or just before Monday.

That makes six Leopard 2 losses in just a week or so. Add the six Leopard 2s the Russians destroyed before last week, and the Ukrainians have written off a dozen of the German-made tanks—out of 71 Ukraine’s NATO allies so far have donated to the war effort.

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