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フランス、イルカが死んだ理由が分かるまでビスケー湾での漁業を禁止すると発表!ジャップよ、これが先進国だ [603416639]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2024/01/20(土) 13:36:01.41 ID:OcpUhkGe0.net ?2BP(1000)
France temporarily bans Bay of Biscay fishing to protect dolphins

The month-long ban off the country's West coast – the first since the end of World War II is set to begin Monday and applies to both French and foreign fishermen. It follows calls by environmental activists to protect the marine mammals, pointing to a surge in dolphin deaths on the Atlantic coast.

From Finistere in the extreme west of Brittany to the Spanish border, fishing will cease almost entirely until February 20.

On Thursday, the French government broadened the ban to all ships, regardless of origin, while promising to support fishermen and fishmongers. The ban was originally ordered by the country's top administrative court, the State Council.


21 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2024/01/20(土) 15:09:21.53 ID:OXyRqpyZ0.net

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