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【速報】プーチン「テロはイスラム国による犯行だと認めてやるよ。しかし背後には西側諸国やウクライナがいるはず!」 [483862913]

225 :安倍晋三 ◇abeshinzo :2024/03/26(火) 15:07:14.02 ID:qqadhQHO0.net
Terror suspects came to Vienna via Ukraine
Putin is using the Moscow attack to incite against Ukraine.
But there are indications that radicals from there flowed into Europe under the radar.
By Christian Tomsits
March 24, 2024,

Putin's propaganda - what's behind it
At this point it is important to emphasize: As far as is known, the Ukrainian state has nothing to do with the matter.
But although official confirmation is still pending, it could be that the Moscow perpetrators had connections to like-minded people who were on Ukrainian territory.

Secret services believe there are a large number of suspects who are said to have reached Europe via Ukraine.
This also coincides with the police's investigation results into the terror suspects (28, 26) from Vienna, who were arrested on the morning of December 23, 2023 in an asylum center on Thaliastrasse.

Austro suspects lived in Ukraine
A 28-year-old Tajik and his wife (26) are said to have planned an attack with explosives
and Kalashnikovs on the Steffl in Vienna together with an accomplice (30) who was arrested in Germany - we reported.

In fact, the couple came to the EU from Ukraine in February 2022.
The two allegedly lived there until the war began because they had campaigned as opposition members for “democracy and the rule of law” in their home country of Tajikistan.
There are of course doubts about that.

They claim to have come to Austria by train, "because Vienna is a particularly beautiful place to live."
But German secret services apparently managed to intercept suspicious chat messages
in Facebook Messenger, which provided concrete evidence of Islamist attack plans on major European cities - also carried out in the name of the "Islamic State Khorasan Province".

What is the ISPK?

The IS offshoot "Islamic State Khorasan Province", founded in 2014, originally comes from Afghanistan and recruits fighters in Central Asian states of the former Soviet Union - especially in Tajikistan, which is 90 percent Islamic (population 10.1 million, located between China and Kyrgyzstan).
The group is currently considered the most active IS group and the only one that, according to experts, is capable of carrying out attacks abroad.
It has now declared itself a Moscow attack with 133 deaths. Plans to attack targets in Europe are also said to have been made - including in Vienna.

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