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1 :どうして語らなかった?:2014/10/29(水) 00:54:37.87 ID:6vxLiSUq.net

2 :John Appleseed:2014/10/29(水) 00:59:17.41 ID:/+0GOQQ2.net
  .   ___       _ ,-、
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   / (●) (●)  | ( ●) (.●) あんた病気だよ・・・
  . |   (__人_.).| . |   (__人_.)i  常識的に考えて・・・
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     L_つつ      |;;;;;;;;;|;;;;;;|       /   :::::::::::::::::ヽ

3 :John Appleseed:2014/10/31(金) 00:49:55.28 ID:JW6Aov7m.net
iPhone 6はなんだって??

4 :John Appleseed:2014/10/31(金) 02:33:35.37 ID:kf6CQlrH.net

5 :John Appleseed:2014/10/31(金) 18:34:33.67 ID:C9Y0JRRn.net
1990年刊The AppleII Guideより、Wozが寄稿した序文の冒頭。
Apple was founded on the singular vision of empowering
the individual. We believed that individuals, not institutions,
were the key of the future. We had enthusiasm for changing
society in a positive way. Although we were too young for
the 1960s, we still had revolutionary ideas and a belief that
individuals can actually make a difference in the world.

6 :John Appleseed:2014/11/06(木) 15:49:03.82 ID:HYuC4E93.net

7 :John Appleseed:2014/11/06(木) 15:49:28.35 ID:HYuC4E93.net

8 :John Appleseed:2014/11/07(金) 00:11:13.15 ID:PmloRnjr.net

9 :John Appleseed:2014/11/07(金) 01:54:27.30 ID:saEOCqnJ.net
Woz: Hello iPhone 6, goodbye Android
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak says he tossed out all the Android devices he's spoken so lovingly of in the past.


Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is one of the most likable guys in tech -- but that doesn't mean he always likes everything.
That Ashton Kutcher Steve Jobs biopic? Woz said it got a lot wrong.
Wearables? Woz says they're a hard sell.
But Woz sure likes Apple's new iPhone 6, so much so that he's ditching Android, Google's mobile operating system he's grown fond of.

In the below video from entertainment news and gossip site TMZ,
Woz allows himself to be stopped in an airport, at least temporarily, to share his excitement for Apple's new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus and Apple Pay, the company's new mobile-payments service.

10 :John Appleseed:2014/11/07(金) 02:06:39.25 ID:saEOCqnJ.net
"I got rid of all my Androids," Woz said to the off-camera "reporter," in praise of the bigger screens on the two new iPhones.
The iPhone 6 sports a 4.7-inch display, up from the 4-inch screen in the iPhone 5S, and the 6 Plus has a 5.5-inch display.

That's a bigger deal than it may seem.
Wozniak has floated the idea of Apple and Google teaming up, or even, Apple making an Android phone.
He's long been a fan of both mobile operating systems.

Fortunately, one other thing Woz likes is talking with people about tech, even when they're harassing him in an airport.
Check out the whole thing below and let us know in the comments and @Crave if you agree with Woz that the new iPhone is worth giving up all your other smartphones.


11 :John Appleseed:2014/11/07(金) 09:32:02.68 ID:PmloRnjr.net

12 :John Appleseed:2014/11/07(金) 15:02:28.68 ID:PmloRnjr.net

13 :John Appleseed:2014/11/07(金) 15:43:39.37 ID:nlYw9Ici.net
Microsft なんて誰も知らない。


14 :John Appleseed:2015/03/14(土) 11:26:11.79 ID:sdXHODqK.net

15 :John Appleseed:2015/03/14(土) 12:04:37.47 ID:zKu87W+/.net
ウォズは Apple Watch 買うのかな?

16 :John Appleseed:2015/03/14(土) 13:36:56.63 ID:Cjgai7IY.net

17 :John Appleseed:2015/04/01(水) 07:25:32.34 ID:bfwiAzaV.net

18 :John Appleseed:2016/01/29(金) 17:06:44.10 ID:dnH3cOP1.net

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