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俺の日記帳 第三冊目

864 :login:Penguin:2023/10/02(月) 13:02:12.06 ID:9ckZl79J.net
Getting Wifi Card Info

Then to Find Wireless Adapter Info
For the PCI/PCIe internal Adapters simply run the Command:

lspci -v | grep Wireless




If not installed by your distribution already (check the packages) you can get the latest firmware from linux-firmware.git.

If you do get it from linux-firmware.git, you'll have to copy the files to the appropriate location on your system. Where that appropriate location is depends (again) on your system distribution. You can typically find this location by looking in the udev scripts of your distro, the default on most distributions is /lib/firmware.

Installation of the firmware is simply:

# cp iwlwifi-*.{ucode,pnvm} /lib/firmware/

You can now load the driver.


221 KB

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