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1 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 14:15:11.43 ID:r8N6rqaO.net

2 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 20:10:45.28 ID:IPU1eRJM.net


3 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 20:15:21.85 ID:IPU1eRJM.net


4 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 20:16:51.20 ID:IPU1eRJM.net
_3 May. Bistritz._--Left Munich at 8.35 p.m. on 1st May, arriving at
Vienna early next morning; should have arrived at 6.46, but train was
an hour late. Buda-Pesth seems a wonderful place, from the glimpse
which I got of it from the train and the little I could walk through
the streets. I feared to go very far from the station, as we had
arrived late and would start as near the correct time as possible. The
impression I had was that we were leaving the West and entering the
East; the most Western of splendid bridges over the Danube, which is
here of noble width and depth, took us among the traditions of Turkish

5 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 20:19:39.48 ID:IPU1eRJM.net
5月3日 5月1日午後8時35分にミュンヘンを出発し、翌朝早くウィーンに到着した。ブダペストは、列車の中からチラッと見えただけでなく、通りを少し歩いただけで、素晴らしい場所のように思えました。私たちは遅れて到着していたので、駅から非常に遠くに行くことを恐れていたし、できるだけ正確な時間に近いところから出発することになります。ドナウ川にかかる立派な橋の中でも最も西側にある、幅と深さのある高貴な橋が、トルコの伝統的な支配の中に私たちを連れて行ってくれました。

6 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 20:22:07.12 ID:IPU1eRJM.net
_5月3日。 ビストリッツ__-ミュンヘンの午後8時35分 5月1日、翌朝早くウィーンに到着。 6.46に到着するはずでしたが、電車は1時間遅れました。 ブダペストは私が電車から得た垣間と、通りを歩くことができる小さなことから、素晴らしい場所のようです。 私たちは駅に非常に遠くに行くことを恐れました。私たちは遅れて到着し、可能な限り正しい時刻に近いところから出発するからです。 私が感じたのは、私たちは西を離れ、東に入るということでした。 ドナウ川に架かる最も西側にある壮大な橋は、高貴な幅と深さで、トルコの支配の伝統の中に私たちを連れて行きました。

7 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 20:31:39.64 ID:IPU1eRJM.net
>>5が Deepl Translate。 >>6は Google翻訳です。とちらもしても一長一短ですが精度は高いですね。

8 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 20:44:08.67 ID:IPU1eRJM.net

9 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 20:48:55.48 ID:IPU1eRJM.net
We left in pretty good time, and came after nightfall to Klausenburgh. Here I stopped for the night at the Hotel Royale. I had for dinner, or rather supper, a chicken done up some way with red pepper, which was very good but thirsty. (Mem., get recipe for Mina.) I asked the waiter, and he said it was called “paprika hendl,” and that, as it was a national dish, I should be able to get it anywhere along the Carpathians. I found my smattering of German very useful here; indeed, I don’t know how I should be able to get on without it.

10 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 20:49:28.40 ID:IPU1eRJM.net

11 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 20:49:50.95 ID:IPU1eRJM.net
私たちはかなり良い時間に出発し、夕暮れ後にクラウセンバーグに到着しました。 ここで私はホテルロイヤルに一晩立ち寄りました。 私は夕食に、または夕食に、唐辛子でなんらかの形で仕上げた鶏肉を食べました。 (ミナのレシピを入手してください。)ウェイターに聞いたところ、「パプリカヘンドル」と呼ばれていました。国の料理なので、カルパティア山脈のどこにでも持っていけるはずです。 ここでは、ドイツ語の小話が非常に役に立ちました。 確かに、それなしではどうしたらいいのか分かりません。

12 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 20:56:14.71 ID:IPU1eRJM.net

13 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 22:08:47.56 ID:7HiZdy8v.net

14 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 22:44:17.28 ID:IPU1eRJM.net
I had for dinner, or rather supper,


15 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 22:48:41.56 ID:IPU1eRJM.net
Having some time at my disposal when in London, I had visited the British Museum, and made search among the books and maps of the library regarding Transylvania; it had struck me that some foreknowledge of the country could hardly fail to have some importance in dealing with a noble[Pg 2] of that country. I find that the district he named is in the extreme east of the country, just on the borders of three states, Transylvania, Moldavia, and Bukovina, in the midst of the Carpathian mountains; one of the wildest and least known portions of Europe. I was not able to light on any map or work giving the exact locality of the Castle Dracula, as there are no maps of this country as yet to compare with our own Ordnance Survey maps; but I found that Bistritz, the post town named by Count Dracula, is a fairly well-known place. I shall enter here some of my notes, as they may refresh my memory when I talk over my travels with Mina.

16 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 22:49:09.38 ID:IPU1eRJM.net
私は、彼の名を挙げた地区は、国の最東端にあり、トランシルバニア、モルダヴィア、ブコヴィナの3つの州の境界線上にあり、カルパチア山脈の中腹にあり、ヨーロッパで最も荒涼とした、知られていない地域の一つであることを発見しました。ドラキュラ城の正確な位置を示す地図や著作物がないので、私はまだこの国の地図がないので、私たちのOrdnance Surveyの地図と比較することができませんでしたが、私はドラキュラ伯爵が命名した郵便局の町Bistritzはかなりよく知られた場所であることを発見しました。ミナとの旅の話をするときに、記憶が蘇るかもしれないので、ここにいくつかのメモを記しておこう。

17 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 22:56:18.03 ID:IPU1eRJM.net


18 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 23:15:56.67 ID:IPU1eRJM.net
補足すれば、Ordnance Surveyは正式な測量地図、post townは宿場のことでしょう。

19 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 23:19:18.20 ID:IPU1eRJM.net
In the population of Transylvania there are four distinct nationalities: Saxons in the south, and mixed with them the Wallachs, who are the descendants of the Dacians; Magyars in the west; and Szekelys in the east and north. I am going among the latter, who claim to be descended from Attila and the Huns. This may be so, for when the Magyars conquered the country in the eleventh century they found the Huns settled in it. I read that every known superstition in the world is gathered into the horseshoe of the Carpathians, as if it were the centre of some sort of imaginative whirlpool; if so my stay may be very interesting. (Mem., I must ask the Count all about them.)

20 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 23:19:50.62 ID:IPU1eRJM.net
トランシルバニアの人口には4つの異なる国籍があります。南部のサクソン人、そしてダキア人の子孫であるワラッハ人との混合、西部のマギア人、そして東部と北部のゼケリス人です。私はアッティラとフン族の子孫であると主張する後者の者の中に入る。11世紀にマギア人が この国を征服した時 フン族が 住んでいたのを発見したからです 世界のあらゆる迷信がカルパチア山脈の馬蹄形に集まっているという話を聞いたことがありますが、まるで空想の渦の中心のようです。伯爵に聞いてみよう。

21 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 23:27:41.58 ID:IPU1eRJM.net
I did not sleep well, though my bed was comfortable enough, for I had all sorts of queer dreams. There was a dog howling all night under my window, which may have had something to do with it; or it may have been the paprika, for I had to drink up all the water in my carafe, and was still thirsty. Towards morning I slept and was wakened by the continuous knocking at my door, so I guess I must have been sleeping soundly then. I had for breakfast more paprika, and a sort of porridge of maize flour which they said was “mamaliga,” and egg-plant stuffed with forcemeat, a very excellent dish, which they call “impletata.” (Mem., get recipe for this also.) I had to hurry breakfast, for the train started a little before eight, or rather it ought to have done so, for after rushing to the station at 7.30 I had to sit in the carriage for more than an hour before we began to move. It seems to me that the further East you go the more unpunctual are the trains. What ought they to be in China?

22 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 23:28:05.53 ID:IPU1eRJM.net

23 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 23:31:09.55 ID:Ew+E2MJt.net

つまり「お前は集団ストーカーを認めたな?」と取り調べ室でUbuntu Jpanese Team と懇意にしている警察官に問われたら、逃げ腰になる訳ですね。


24 :login:Penguin:2020/07/22(水) 23:47:45.15 ID:IPU1eRJM.net

25 :login:Penguin:2020/07/23(木) 08:41:44 ID:UBm6Sd2n.net

26 :login:Penguin:2020/07/23(木) 09:15:29.45 ID:DQ2C1XOs.net

27 :login:Penguin:2020/07/23(木) 09:46:36.31 ID:m4P4BS3X.net





28 :login:Penguin:2020/07/23(木) 13:29:16.73 ID:DQ2C1XOs.net
>>22 おおかた意味の取れる機械翻訳ですが未だ不十分です。こちらで再翻訳しました:

私のベッドの居心地は快適だったのですが、奇妙な夢を見たせいかよく眠れませんでした。窓の下で犬が一晩中吠えていましたが、それも関係しているのかもしれませんし、食事で食べたパプリカのせいかもしれません。私はコップ1杯の水を飲み干しても、まだ喉が渇いていたせいかもしれません。朝方にななって寝入っていた時、ドアを叩く音で目が覚めたので、その頃にはもう熟睡していたのでしょう。朝食にはパプリカのおかわりと、「ママリガ」と呼ばれるトウモロコシの粉を使ったお粥と、「インプルタタ」と呼ばれる卵の肉詰めを食べました。(メモ:このレシピも手に入れようと思う。) 朝食を急がねばならなかった。列車は8時少し前には発車するからだ、いや、そうしないといけないこともなかった。7時半に駅へと急いだが、出発するまで1時間以上も客車の中に座っていなければならなかったからだ。東に行けば行くほど、列車は時間厳守ではないようだ。この調子なら、もっと東にある中国ならどうなるのだろうか?

29 :login:Penguin:2020/07/23(木) 13:46:23.98 ID:DQ2C1XOs.net
All day long we seemed to dawdle through a country which was full of beauty of every kind. Sometimes we saw little towns or castles on the top of steep hills such as we see in old missals; sometimes we ran by rivers and streams which seemed from the wide stony margin on each side of them to be subject to great floods. It takes a lot of water, and running strong, to sweep the outside edge of a river clear. At every station there were groups of people, sometimes crowds, and in all sorts of attire. Some of them were just like the peasants at home or those I saw coming through France and Germany, with short jackets and round hats and home-made trousers; but others were very picturesque. The women looked pretty, except when you got near them, but they were very clumsy about the waist.They had all full white sleeves of some kind or other, and most of them had big belts with a lot of strips of something fluttering from them like the dresses in a ballet, but of course petticoats under them.
The strangest figures we saw were the Slovaks, who are more barbarian than the rest, with their big cowboy hats, great baggy dirty-white trousers, white linen shirts, and enormous heavy leather belts, nearly a foot wide, all studded over with brass nails. They wore high boots, with their trousers tucked into them, and had long black hair and heavy black moustaches. They are very picturesque, but do not look prepossessing. On the stage they would be set down at once as some old Oriental band of brigands. They are, however, I am told, very harmless and rather wanting in natural self-assertion.

30 :login:Penguin:2020/07/23(木) 15:51:59.76 ID:DQ2C1XOs.net

31 :login:Penguin:2020/07/23(木) 15:56:42.91 ID:DQ2C1XOs.net
It was on the dark side of twilight when we got to Bistritz, which is a very interesting old place. Being practically on the frontier—for the Borgo Pass leads from it into Bukovina—it has had a very stormy existence, and it certainly shows marks of it. Fifty years ago a series of great fires took place, which made terrible havoc on five separate occasions. At the very beginning of the seventeenth century it underwent a siege of three weeks and lost 13,000 people, the casualties of war proper being assisted by famine and disease.

32 :login:Penguin:2020/07/23(木) 16:21:54.93 ID:DQ2C1XOs.net

33 :login:Penguin:2020/07/23(木) 17:22:00.20 ID:DQ2C1XOs.net
Count Dracula had directed me to go to the Golden Krone Hotel, which I found, to my delight, to be thoroughly old-fashioned, for of course I wanted to see all I could of the ways of the country. I was evidently expected, for when I got near the door I faced a cheery-looking elderly woman in the usual peasant dress—white undergarment with long double apron, front and back, of coloured stuff fitting almost too tight for modesty. When I came close she bowed, and said: “The Herr Englishman?” “Yes,” I said, “Jonathan Harker.” She smiled, and gave some message to an elderly man in white shirt-sleeves, who had followed her to the door. He went, but immediately returned with a letter:—

34 :login:Penguin:2020/07/23(木) 17:22:34.00 ID:DQ2C1XOs.net
ドラキュラ伯爵は、私にゴールデン・クローネ・ホテルに行くように指示していました。私が喜んで見つけたのは、完全に昔ながらのホテルでした。もちろん、私はこの国のやり方をすべて見たかったのです。 ドアに近づいたとき、私はいつもの農民の服を着た、つまり、白の下着と長い二重のエプロン、前と後ろの長いエプロンを着た、陽気な年配の女性に出会ったので、間違いなく私の訪問を期待していたことが分かりました。私が近づいたとき、彼女はお辞儀をして言った:「イギリス人のお方ですか?」 「はい」と私は言い、続けて「ジョナサン・ハーカーです」と言った。彼女はにっこり笑って、ドアまで付き添ってきた白いシャツを着た年配の男性にいくつかのメッセージを手渡しました。 彼は行きかけましたが、すぐに次のような内容の手紙を持って戻ってきました:—

35 :login:Penguin:2020/07/23(木) 17:24:14.78 ID:DQ2C1XOs.net
“MY FRIEND,—Welcome to the Carpathians. I am anxiously expecting you. Sleep well to-night. At three to-morrow the diligence will start for Bukovina; a place on it is kept for you. At the Borgo Pass my carriage will await you and will bring you to me. I trust that your journey from London has been a happy one, and that you will enjoy your stay in my beautiful land.

“Your friend,


36 :login:Penguin:2020/07/24(金) 18:38:50.14 ID:XRNc5kDN.net

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Dracula, by Bram Stoker

This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with
almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or
re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included
with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org

Title: Dracula

Author: Bram Stoker

Release Date: May 30, 2014 [EBook #45839]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1

37 :login:Penguin:2020/07/24(金) 18:41:28.51 ID:XRNc5kDN.net

38 :login:Penguin:2020/08/11(火) 15:54:19.36 ID:Ud0/tYh0.net

39 :login:Penguin:2020/08/12(水) 06:17:57 ID:faqnUT8d.net





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41 :login:Penguin:2020/12/11(金) 23:48:51.42 ID:XZZOYux3.net


42 :login:Penguin:2023/08/04(金) 14:04:10.35 ID:lYAnlnDai


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