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クルーグマン「消費増税先送り」⇒日本人「さすが先生!」⇒クルーグマン「移民入れろ」⇒日本人「うん、まぁね。そういうのいいから。」 [687863318]

8 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ db19-eoZT):2016/03/31(木) 14:30:10.52 ID:YClqrC1w0.net
The demography in Japan is uniquely unfavorable and the working age population is now shrinking at more than 1% a year.
Now, Europe has moved in the same direction and even in the United States
we have seen a sharp deterioration of working age population growth.
But there are reasons why Japan has special difficulties.
Essentially, there is a reason why Japan entered this situation in the 1990’s when the rest of us did not enter it until 2008.
But that does not mean that it cannot be dealt with.
It just means that there are needs of extremely vigorous sustained aggressive policies to break out.

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