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プーチン大統領、再選されたイランのロウハニ大統領と電話会談 「石油・ガス・原子力で経済協力」 「シリア問題は和平で解決」 [797646222]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2017/05/27(土) 23:39:24.33 ID:1uETW/ef0?2BP(1000)

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Iran’s leader Hassan Rouhani,
greeted him with the new presidential term and discussed the situation in Syria, the Kremlin’s press service said on Saturday.

"The Russian leader congratulated Hassan Rouhani with the new term and wished him success," the press service said.

"They paid special attention to trade and economic cooperation, including to implementation of major joint projects
in the sectors of oil and gas and peace use of nuclear power," the statement reads.

Besides, Putin and Rouhani discussed the situation in Syria.
"During the discussion of the situation in Syria the parties stressed importance of developing joint efforts
to favor the political-diplomatic settlement of the conflict in that country, including in the framework of the Astana process
and by means of implementing the Memorandum on de-escalation zones," the Kremlin said.




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