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【英語】「英文解釈教室 改訂版」を5周したんだけど未だに英語が話せない どうしたら良いのか [368723689]

54 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2018/04/25(水) 01:04:10.81 ID:TW+ihec+H.net
I read English on a daily basis.What native English people write is, in most cases, relatively simple even in newspapers and magazines.
Of course, some writers use more confusing structures, though.If you can understand what this book teaches, you could read most of the sentences in newspapers.

It seems to be a nice book specialized in structures.However, I am not sure whether students who are at the level of lower primary students in other skills should learn these kinds of structures...

総レス数 84
21 KB

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