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1機163億円のF-15EX、ロシア人はアメリカが本気で移行するとは考えていない [158879285]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイWW d7e2-lwgu):2019/10/16(Wed) 01:46:11 ?PLT ID:GTvCJxXw0.net
Russia Thinks America's F-15EX Fighter Is a Joke
The National Interest
David Axe
,The National Interest•October 10, 2019

The debate continues over the Pentagon’s proposal to buy new F-15EX Eagle fighters from Boeing to complement Lockheed Martin-made F-35 stealth fighters.

As lawmakers weigh the military’s request, Air Force magazine has published an infographic comparing the two fighters.

Both fighters cost roughly $80 million apiece, according to Air Force. But the similarity ends there. The F-35 is stealthier but the F-15 flies higher, farther and faster and carries more weaponry.

A Russian-made S-400 air-defense system could detect an F-35 at 20 miles, Air Force estimated. It could pick up an F-15EX 200 miles away.

While an F-35 can carry 22,000 pounds of munitions to a ceiling of 50,000 feet and a distance of 670 miles at a top speed of Mach 1.6, the F-15EX can haul 29,500 pounds of weapons
as high as 60,000 feet and as far as 1,100 miles at a top speed of Mach 2.5.

An F-35 costs $35,000 per hour to operate. An F-15EX costs $27,000 per hour.

The new Eagle’s main advantage, however, is that existing F-15 squadrons quickly and cheaply can convert to the type, Air Force‘s John Tirpak explained.

“The F-15EX, USAF argues, is essentially an in-production aircraft. It has upward of 70-percent parts commonality with the F-15C and E already in USAF service and can use almost all the same ground equipment,
hangars, simulators and other support gear as the Eagles now in service,” according to Tirpak.

“At a unit price roughly comparable to that of the F-35, F-15 squadrons could transition to the F-15EX in a matter of weeks, whereas converting pilots, maintainers, facilities and equipment
to the F-35 takes many months, the Air Force says.”

The Defense Department compelled the Air Force to request eight F-15EXs as part of the flying branch's 2020 budget request. The eight planes would cost $1.2 billion.

The Air Force reportedly would buy another 136 F-15EXs through the mid-2020s. The new Eagles would replace 1980s-vintage F-15Cs in some or all of the nine squadrons that fly the older type,
mostly for patrols over the United States.


2 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイWW 17c7-b1AA):2019/10/16(Wed) 01:49:11 ID:ASaIqRd+0.net

3 ::2019/10/16(Wed) 02:04:58 ID:7FHvXVbQM.net
Ex-S イーグル

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5 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2019/10/16(水) 04:44:23.27 ID:Wf7EII/M0.net

6 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2019/10/16(水) 04:49:29.08 ID:to5edC9h0.net

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8 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です :2019/10/16(水) 15:11:47.48 ID:7bSAx8HLd.net

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