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お前らもう英語の勉強なんてしなくて良いぞ。最強の翻訳機ができたから [545160222]

1 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイW b9c5-woxo):2020/03/22(日) 23:03:08 ?2BP ID:BmkCcowR0.net


I don't feel bad about it.
And it's none of my business if you guys get all upset about it.
Because they're all people who don't care.
I don't care if you're all exaggerating or not, I don't care if you're dead.
That's because there's no real connection.
I mean, I have no feelings for you guys.


2 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイW 5112-rLvm):2020/03/22(日) 23:03:29 ID:fZTykRD00.net
僕「あ、あぁ〜ッ!」 ドピュドピュドピューッ!









僕「チノちゃーん!」 バターンッ!


僕「チ、チノちゃーん! ごめんよーッ! チノちゃんは毎日僕のためにオチンチンしこしこの練習してたのに僕はそんなことも知らずに……ッ!
  ハフッ!ハフッ! チノちゃんの湯上りふとももいい匂い!」




僕「そ、そんなことないよ! チノちゃんのその気持ちだけで僕は十分オチンチン気持ちいいんだよ! あっ、そ、そうだ! チノちゃんおてて出して!


僕「そう! それじゃあ今からオナニーするからね! チノちゃんのやわらかおててにドッピュするからね! ちゃんと受け止めてね!」


僕「ウオーッ! チノ! ぷにぷにおててに出すぞ!」ドピュドピュドピューッ!


僕「くっ、ふぅ……! す、すっごい濃いのが出たぁーッ!」


僕「それはね……チノちゃんの気持ちが、僕に伝わったからだよ! チノちゃんの他人を思いやる優しさがね!」


僕「そう! だから、テクニックなんて、二の次なんだよ! オチンチンしこしこは、上手い人にやってもらうより、好きな人にやってもらうのが一番気持ちいいんだよ!」


でもまぁ、その日以来、おちんちん搾りをするときチノちゃんが耳元で「好きです」とつぶやいてくれるようになったので結果オーライ! 終わり

3 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイW b9c5-woxo):2020/03/22(日) 23:05:29 ?2BP ID:BmkCcowR0.net
I "Ahhhhhh~! Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump!

Chino: "Yes, that's the end of today's exploitation.Thank you for your hard work.

I "Ugh........thank you very much.....

A few weeks ago, I got a job at the Rabbit House, which I had hoped for, but I was afraid that if I let young men run wild in an all-female town, they would all be raped.
As a result, Chino-chan started to suck sperm from my cock regularly.But Chino-chan is somehow
It seems that he doesn't like me, and he's always sucking on my cock in an unsociable way.

It's a great way to get a better idea of what's going on in your life.

Even though it's late at night, the light is leaking from Chino's room.

Chino: "Alright......................................................................

Me (Hey, Chino-chan is practicing cock-sucking against a cock dildo in his room!

I have to do my best to make you feel better....

I "Chino-chan! Bang!

Chino "Hyah!

I said, "Chino, Chino-chan! I'm sorry! Chino-chan has been practicing her cock for me every day, and I didn't even know about it...!
  Huff!Huff! Chino-chan's hot water bath smells good!

Chino, "Doh, don't get caught up in the dander and smell it!

I'm sorry, sorry Chino-chan...!

Chino said, "Well, it's normal to practice on your penis....That's my job, after all...Besides, I'm not very good at it, and it doesn't make me feel too good.

I said, "Well, that's not true! Chino-chan, that feeling alone is enough to make my cock feel good enough! Oh, yes, that's right! Chino, put your hands out!

Chino "This is like this?

I said, "Yeah! Well then, I'm going to masturbate now! I'll be doppin' on Chino-chan's soft hands! You have to take it seriously!

Chino "Eh, eh?

I said, "Whoa! Chino! Let's put it out on the pewter!Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump!

Chino "Hyah!squeal

I said, "Huh....! I've got a very thick one coming out!

Chino: "It's true...but why...why...?

I said, "That's because...Chino-chan's feelings were conveyed to me! Chino-chan's kindness for others!

Chino "My kindness............

I said, "Yeah! So, technique is of secondary importance! It feels best to have someone you like do it rather than having someone who is good at it do it!

I "Of course!
After that, I continued to ejaculate into Chino's hand all night long, and the next morning I was so exhausted I couldn't get up.
But since that day, Chino-chan has been mumbling "I like you" in my ear when I'm squeezing her manhood, so I'm happy with the result! The end.

4 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイW 2bca-yu72):2020/03/22(日) 23:06:10 ID:88k1eUEf0.net

5 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ 93ca-4+dA):2020/03/22(日) 23:07:27 ID:FUCRlCmC0.net
>I don't feel bad about it.


6 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイW b1e2-sSCJ):2020/03/22(日) 23:09:24 ID:rRy61uoP0.net
We made it. Posted by perverted douchebag on Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at 07:14:22

Yesterday, August 15th, the usual vagrant old man (60 years old) and the dirt-loving Hijikata Nichian who texted me the other day

The three of us (45 years old) and I (53 years old) had a great time under the bank of a river in the northern part of the prefecture.

I bought some drinks and snacks at a convenience store tomorrow, and then I went to a place where people rarely come.

So I drank a lot of alcohol before I started.

The three of them licked each other's dicks and put in three of the strawberry enema that was brought only in the basement socks.

After a while, the congested hole comes tingling and the shit is twirling around in my belly looking for a way out.

I was licking my brother's asshole while letting the vagrant old man lick my brother's asshole.

My brother came to me first, spewing shit in my mouth.

At the same time, the old man and I both took a dump.You've already got shit all over your face.

The three of us scooped up the feces with our hands and dabbed them on each other's bodies.

They licked each other's shit-soaked cocks and gave each other enemas with urine.Oh~ I can't get enough.

When the enema is given to each other again after it has been done for a while, it feels so good that it already goes crazy.

I'm going to shove my cock up this vagrant old man's asshole.

It feels good to have your asshole smeared with feces and piss.

He is also sticking his cock in the old man's mouth and holding his waist.

I ejaculated as hard as I could while scratching the old man's shit-stained cock.

After that, we licked each other's dicks like crazy.

I smeared my shit all over it and gave out my man juice twice.I want to do it again.

After all, it's great to be covered in shit with a lot of people.I don't want to play shit with this pervert's dad.

Yeah, let's get covered in shit real quick.

It's great if it's in the northern part of Okayama.I'm 163*90*53, you're 165*75*60, and

If you want to get your ass in the shit, email me as soon as possible.

Let's give him an enema in his hijikata form and give him a shit-filled enema.

7 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ 5183-yr/J):2020/03/22(日) 23:11:59 ID:Otl0xWly0.net

8 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイW 13ca-hZiX):2020/03/22(日) 23:13:38 ID:Au+BDamu0.net

9 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイW 13de-lXXr):2020/03/22(日) 23:14:03 ID:sPIIVmJn0.net

10 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ 93ca-4+dA):2020/03/22(日) 23:16:57 ID:FUCRlCmC0.net
Yeah, that got me years ago. I had a small drive in my laptop, wanted a bigger one, and the external drive was much cheaper than the same size bar internal drive
(still a mystery, how a drive + interface+enclosure+cable can be sold for less than just the drive but I guess that's why I'm an engineer and not an accountant).
Once I got it open though, instead of the expected laptop style IDE drive plugged in to a USB interface, it was an integrated board on the drive.
Oh well. I still have it, stuffed in a drawer somewhere. For the capacity, it's too slow (USB 2.0. 3.0 wasn't out yet) to use for large file transfers,
plus that laptop is long gone, my current one has 1TB of SSD in it and I no longer have a space problem

ええ、それは数年前に私を得た。私は私のラップトップに小さなドライブを持っていた, 大きなものを望んでいた, と外付けドライブは、同じサイズのバーの内部ドライブよりもはるかに安かった
(まだ謎, ドライブ + インターフェイス + エンクロージャ + ケーブルは、ドライブだけでなく、私はエンジニアではなく、会計士である理由だと思います) 。


11 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイ 2bc2-NT4g):2020/03/22(日) 23:23:18 ID:tSLb1ETV0.net
暗がりで人に驚かされた時日本人は「びっくりした!」と言うが英人は「You scared me !」と言う
英人に"I'm surprised !"と言っても文法は正しいが意味としては奇妙になるし


12 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの\(^o^)/です (ワッチョイW 0b23-RK3s):2020/03/22(日) 23:37:43 ID:lwiGgcle0.net

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